Norwegian Spitfire Foundation would like to recommend the books below to learn about the story behind our work, and the drive we have to rebuild the Spitfire PL258.
Cato Guhnfeldt: Spitfire Saga bind 1-7 (2009-2016)
Cato Guhnfeldts epic release of seven (!) gigantic books about No. 331 and 332 Squadrons operations during WWII. The collection is a MUST to anyone interested in the Norwegian Spitfire squadrons heroic wartime efforts. The books are in Norwegian language with added English captions and summaries. The photographic collection are enough of its own to buy this amazing set of books. (link above) offers free shipping which comes in handy with thick books like this.
Helner Grundt Spang & Eva Christianne Jørgensen: Den hemmelige kampen (1971)
Spitfire ace Helner Grundt Spangs own take on the mental strain he and his fellow Spitfire pilots went through during WWII as well as in post-war Norway. The book is in Norwegian language and available to read free via the link above.
Birger Tidemand-Johannessen; Spitfire, Norsk Jagerflyger i Kamp (2001)
Spitfire pilot Birger Tidemand-Johannessens own story from his career as a wartime Spitfire pilot. In Norwegian language.
Tor Idar Larsen; Spitfire Glory, The Wartime Flying Life of Leif Lundsten (2016)
This in-depth book follows Leif Lundstens amazing career as a wartime Spitfire pilot, from the early days in Scotland, through his magnificent time as a Spitfire test-pilot to leading 331 Squadron over the Normandie beaches in June 1944. In English language,
Svein Heglund; Høk over Høk (1997)
The topscoring Norwegian Spitfire ace tells his story of combat and flying during WWII in his own words. In Norwegian language.
Tor Idar Larsen/Finn Thorsager; Viking Spitfire, the Story of Finn Thorsager (2012)
Finn Thorsager of 331 Squadrons story flying Gladiators, Spitfires and Lockheed Lodestars. Partly Thorsagers own words combined with an easy-to-read present tense writing form makes this a good introduction to the subject. In English language, but also in Norwegian language under the title Gladiator; Finn Thorsager, fra jagerpilot til flykaptein (2009)
Read excerpt; “Six Bostons to St. Omer”
Cato Guhnfeldt; Marius, Skiløper, Jageress, Krigsfange – Historien om Marius Eriksen (2003)
Norwegians brilliantly talented Spitfire-pilot Marius Eriksen tells his story of escaping Norway, flying in combat, loosing his best friend and surviving as a POW in Germany.
Kristian Nyerrød; En av de mange (1995)
331 Squadron pilot Kristian Nyerrød offers an honest insight into life as a pilot with 331 Squadron at North Weald, and later as a Mustang pilot. Free to read via the link above. In Norwegian.
Arnfinn G. Brodersen; Norge Glemte Oss (1971)
A sobering story about a Norwegian pilot being involved in a serious accident in Little Norway which made him chronically ill and physically disabled. Interesting fact is that the students teacher at Little Norway was Per Waaler who also got seriously injured – he is referred to in the book. Hard to get a copy these days, but do make a few searches for it. In Norwegian.
Helge Mehre: Spitfire, En beretning om den 132. norske jagerving (1982)
Helge Mehre (former squadron leader and Wing Commander for 331 and the Norwegian Wing at North Weald) gives an analysis of the Wings efforts in WWII. In Norwegian.
Wilhelm Mohr: On World War II (2009)
Lieutenant General (retired) Wilhelm Mohr is one of the most influential officers in the history of the Royal Norwegian Air Force (RNoAF) – and in recent years has often and rightfully been described as ‘the grand old man of the RNoAF’. This is a collection of Mohrs articles and writing on WWII and the Norwegian efforts during the period. In English.
North Weald Airfield, Flying For Freedom. The history of one of Britains most famous airfields (2006)
Launched to coincide with the 90th Anniversary of the opening of this famous airfield in 1916, the new DVD telling the story of North Weald Airfield and its people – in war and peace, is proving a great success.